Building the world's first expert witness search and referral firm

What makes a good match between a lawyer and an expert witness? Russ Rosenzweig, the CEO and Co-founder of Round Table Group, has spent the last 28 years of his career playing matchmaker between attorneys and the experts they need to win a case. So, what is the secret behind his successful matchmaking process?

Using Round Table Group’s extensive collection of Nobel Prize winners, presidents of universities, and many more, lawyers can easily find the expert they need for their next case. What’s more, Russ has not only hacked the process of connecting lawyers and attorneys, but he has also transformed his company into a valuable marketing, branding, and business development resource. 

In this week's episode of Spill the Ink, host Michelle Calcote King sits down with Russ Rosenzweig, the Co-founder and CEO of Round Table Group, to discuss what inspired him to form the first ever expert witness search and referral firm. Russ talks about what it means to be an expert witness, how he marketed his company to success over the last 20 years, and why his firm is a valuable business development resource for lawyers. Stay tuned.


Featured Guest

Russ Rosenzweig

Round Table Group


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