LinkedIn advertising for law firms: What you need to know

Does your law firm use LinkedIn advertising? If not, you could be missing out on building strong connections with quality leads and valuable referral partners. So, how can you start creating effective LinkedIn Ads today?

AJ Wilcox, the Founder of B2Linked, has built countless ad campaigns in the last 15 years. After discovering the power of advertising on LinkedIn, he decided to create an agency that helps businesses and entrepreneurs stand out and build stronger customer relationships on the professional platform. With AJ’s expert advice, you can start creating LinkedIn Ads that tap into your ideal target market—and stop spending money on the intrusive ads that don’t work.

In this week's episode of Spill the Ink, host Michelle Calcote King interviews AJ Wilcox, the Founder of B2Linked, about the ins and outs of LinkedIn advertising. Together, they discuss the minimum budget you need to create effective LinkedIn Ads, the four types of ads you will see on the platform, and the tried-and-true acronym that AJ uses to structure his advertisements. Listen in to find out why AJ ranks LinkedIn as one of the most effective advertising platforms for B2B companies.


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A.J. Wilcox



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